Did Ancient, Medieval, and Early Modern People Love War?

Ivana Tucak
Feb 20, 2021


Read the whole post on The History Avenue.

Ancient, Medieval, and early modern people saw war as a means to an end. In general, they saw war as something they have to do to obtain something else, because there is no other, better option. War isn’t something that is pleasant, so it’s hard to say that the people really loved it. Of course, there were individuals who enjoyed their warrior calling and who knew how to motivate their soldiers. But they were just individuals. Here are three examples of the role of war in the Ancient, Medieval and early modern world.

Ancient Rome

When founded, Rome was a small city grown from settlements on the Tiber River. In time, it started to expand and

Ivana Tucak

This post was originally published on The History Avenue.



Ivana Tucak

Stories from the past and about the past. http://the-history-avenue.eu/ #Twitterstorian. #Writer. #History. #ColdWar. #Propaganda.